Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Review of Children of Men

After watching the movie of 2012, the movie of Children of Men is another movie scares the hell out of me. The rumors of the world ends soon spread all around the world after the movie of 2012. Some people believe on May 21st, 2011, which is coming soon. Some people say it is on December 21st, 2012, the world as we know it will come to an end. But hey, who knows? If it comes, it will come eventually.

In the movie of Children of Men, it sets in the United Kingdom of 2027. It happens when assorted natural disasters, wars and terriorist acts have rendered most of the world ungovernable. The movie describes the time when the world is coming to an end and socities are struggling to survie. The reason why the world exinctions is it has been eighteen years since earth has seen the birth of a human child.
Many countries collapse, and millions of illegal immigrants come to London since United Kingdom is the last functioning government. But still, there are many terrorism try to take down the government. In the movie, the main character Theo Faron must find safe transit misfor Kee, who is a pregnant African fugee in the chaos. She is the key of the future in the movie.The Children of Men is set against a background of violence and terrorism.

What makes me interest is they never mention why women cannot pregnant in the movie. The midwife, Miriam mentioned there were not any women pregnant after many of the women miscarried the babies when she was working at the hosipital by the time she was 31 years old. But how come Kee can be pregnant? I would love to see how can the organization of Fishes find her.

There are few shots in the film upset me. When the polices caught refugees and force them get in a big cage, the fugees speak different lanuage to ask for help. There were all kind of people in the cages: elders, children and sick people. They were trying to survive. But the polices would not care, they just kicked and hit them, or killed them. Another shot was Jasper killed by the Fishes after he first killed his wife and his dog. He insisted to stay in the house even he knew the Fishes is coming to kill him. He let Theo leave with Miriam and Kee and pointed wrong direction for the Fishes. He is so unselfishness. The last shot was when Theo went to Nigel to ask a pass for Kee, he was like went into a different world. People in there were drinking afternoon tea, playing on the grasses, and riding on the horses. But there is a war going on outside of the wall. This scene shows the difference between the royal and rich to the poor and cheap.

However, when the scene of all the soliders hear the crying of the baby in the building, they stopped flighting. They believe this is the hope and key for the future. The ways they looked at the baby were respectful, faithful and unblievable. The scene is silence but strong.

Overall, I like the film. It really impresses me. I admire the plot decison and the climax is intense. But I do not expect it happens one day in the future. War and natural disaters can kill many innocent lives. Let's live in love and peace.